Blue Economy Secretariat Launches Draft Communication Strategy to Promote the Blue Economy Strategic Framework and National Action Plan.

MoPED Conference Hall, Freetown, Friday 10th October 2024 – The Blue Economy Secretariat hosted at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED) has officially launched the Draft Communication Strategy aimed at promoting the Blue Economy Strategic Framework and National Action Plan which are initiatives aligned with Sierra Leone’s Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP 2024-2030) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event took place at the MoPED Conference Hall, Tower Hill, Freetown, and was attended by key stakeholders from government ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs), civil society organizations, and community leaders.

In his opening remarks, Acting Development Secretary Usman Cherry Conteh highlighted the purpose of the communication strategy, which was recommended by the Blue Economy National Action Plan. The strategy aims to raise awareness, stimulate interest, and encourage active engagement in Sierra Leone’s Blue Economy, while also focusing on protecting the marine environment. Mr. Conteh emphasized that this strategy is a critical first step in building stakeholder awareness and implementing national action plans to harness the potential of the country’s water resources. He stressed the importance of protecting these resources to improve the livelihoods of Sierra Leoneans, noting the Blue Economy’s potential to contribute to economic growth, job creation, and enhanced living standards. He also thanked the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for its vital support in funding Blue Economy initiatives.

Joseph Samah, Acting Director of Policy, Planning, and Research at MoPED, informed participants that the ministry currently hosts the Blue Economy Secretariat. This body coordinates efforts to operationalize the Blue Economy strategy, working in collaboration with key MDAs such as the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Maritime Authority, the Port Authority, and the Ministry of the Environment. Mr. Samah emphasized that the success of the Blue Economy hinges on inclusive messaging that engages local stakeholders. He urged all MDAs to tailor their communications to the needs of specific communities to ensure effective information dissemination.

Mr. Samah further explained that the strategy will guide regular awareness-raising and public education campaigns on the Blue Economy, climate change impacts, and adaptation mechanisms. The strategy will also help promote awareness of the MTNDP and SDGs in relation to Blue Economy targets and indicators, fostering resilience through continuous dialogue and feedback. He called on sector experts to provide technical input to refine the draft strategy and ensure its success.

Representing the consultant, Emmanuel AB Turay, Acting Director of Information at the Ministry of Information and Civic Education, outlined the key goals, outcomes, tools, and feedback mechanisms embedded in the communication strategy. He stressed the strategy’s role in enhancing the visibility of Sierra Leone’s Blue Economy initiatives, noting that provisions for monitoring and evaluation are included to ensure accountability.

He reaffirmed MoPED’s commitment to ongoing consultation and coordination efforts, ensuring that the benefits of the Blue Economy are realized by all Sierra Leoneans.

Mr. B. Koroma, a representative from the Tombo fishing community, expressed concerns about misinformation spread via social media, which has negatively impacted the perception of issues in fishing communities. He called for stronger political will and stricter law enforcement to combat illegal fishing practices. Mr. Koroma also emphasized the need for sustainable policy approaches that protect the livelihoods of marine-dependent communities.

Several speakers from civil society organizations, MDAs, and local communities echoed concerns about monitoring, feedback, consultation, and role clarity. They highlighted the need for strengthened coordination and inclusiveness in the implementation of the Blue Economy strategy.

For further information, please contact Alfred Kabia on +23279174027 or visit the Ministry’s official social media handles: Twitter-@moped2024, on Facebook and website: 

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