Sierra Leone’s Minister of Planning Urges for Accelerated Climate Action and Finance in Conflict Zones at High-Level Event At the UNGA.

H.E. Kenyeh Laura Barlay, Chair of the g7+, Speaks on Climate and Conflict Linkages

UAE Permanent Mission New York, 24th September 2023— H.E. Kenyeh Laura Barlay, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone and Chair of the g7+, delivered a compelling address on the critical need to accelerate climate action and finance in conflict-affected countries. Speaking at the Permanent Mission of the UAE in New York, Barlay highlighted the dual crises of climate change and conflict that disproportionately affect over 1.5 billion people globally.

“These nations, which are already fragile, face the most severe consequences of climate change,” she stated. “More than 50% of the countries most vulnerable to climate impacts are also conflict-ridden, experiencing droughts, floods, land degradation, and failed harvests. This deadly combination of conflict and climate crisis traps these nations in a vicious cycle of instability.”

Barlay outlined three key points for the global community to address the crisis effectively.

she emphasized the need to recognize the inseparable connection between peacebuilding and climate action. In fragile states, climate action must extend beyond traditional strategies of mitigation and adaptation. “Climate resilience must be prioritized to foster long-term stability and security,” Barlay stressed, adding that climate action is not just an environmental issue but a foundation for sustainable peace.

Minister Barlay underscored the urgent need to improve access to climate finance for conflict-affected nations. She lamented the bureaucratic hurdles and stringent conditions that block fragile countries from securing the financial resources they desperately need. “These nations require immediate, flexible financial support—not delays due to perceived risks,” she asserted. She called on international financial institutions to loosen restrictions and for the private sector to recognize the untapped potential of investing in fragile states.

She celebrated the recent adoption of the Relief, Recovery, and Peace Declaration at COP28, calling it a “milestone” for climate action in conflict zones. She noted that the g7+ has already established a coordination mechanism in collaboration with AGDA (Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy) and ODI to implement the Declaration’s objectives. “With the COP28 and COP29 presidencies present, we have an extraordinary opportunity to bridge today’s achievements with the goals of tomorrow,” she said optimistically.

H.E. Barlay concluded her remarks by calling on the global community to act decisively in ensuring that climate action and peacebuilding go hand-in-hand, leaving no nation behind in the global effort to combat the climate crisis. “Together, we can forge a future where resilience and stability are the cornerstones of our approach to the world’s most vulnerable populations,” she said.

The event was attended by international dignitaries, including representatives from the COP28 and COP29 presidencies, and underscored the critical intersection of climate action and peacebuilding in some of the world’s most fragile states.

For further information, please contact the Alfred Kabia on +23279174027 or visit the Ministry’s official social media handles: Twitter-@moped2024, on Facebook and website: 

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